Sunday, August 1, 2010

WHO did it?

Don't sweat the small stuff.  It's all fun and games. Have a Coke and a smile...
All good "Relaaaax" quotes. Why don't you just do that, sit back and relaaaax....  Here's a story for ya:

We are making some really great friends up at the lake; the kind that come out to the road with a drink in their hand and a smile on their face...Oh yeah. Good stuff.

A couple of weekends ago, I was up north and Cheech couldn't come (until much later).  My neighbors fixed supper, made drinks and had me over.  Their grand kids were up so there was quite a gaggle of rambunctious tweens runnin around.  Pour more electric lemonade slushies! Wee HOO!  (remember my rule...) Anyway, the kids were horsin around and wanted to play with water balloons.  It was hot out.  Who DOESN'T want to play with water balloons?  My neighbor disappeared and came back with an arsenal AND....a SLINGSHOT. YES!!!!  Of course the kids TRIED to do it.  They did okay, but my neighbors and I couldn't keep our fingers out of it.  We started..ummm...helping.  Yeah, helping.

The first one pirouetted up and over the rail. Plllbbbbt. dud.
The third one hit the edge of the yard. Eh. plllbttt. dud.
The ninth one? It went over the street and hit our tree. WOO! High fives all 'round *slap* good -job- good- job-good job! Then one tagged the roof and we all whooped like we'd won the March Madness Poole at work.
"SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Gimme that! I'll show you far!!!" so my neighbor and I dragged the skipping monkeys down the porch and made the balloons a little little bombs...or rockets.
The very first one sailed OVER the house. You want to talk about bragging?  You know how I am about competing...this was war!  
Did I mention it was hot out?  hmmm Probably did.
Did I mention the windows were open?  Probably not.  I didn't think much of it.  Until it was too late.

Of course it was Boo who lined up for the shot.
FUH-doooooooo! It sailed high through the air with a beautiful deadly arc and aim.  There was a crash and we stood dumbfounded.  We ALL looked ten years old with our mouths hanging open trying desperately to find somewhere to hide or locate someone to blame...because after all....Daddy wasn't home.

Immediately Boo began apologizing almost in tears.  I dashed across the street as if I could somehow save the window.  I crept in, trying to sneak up on it. Oh what a mess.  It blew the double pained glass inside spewing jagged shardss all over the beds, the pillows, knocking the table over including the lamp. The window shade was completely undone and lay crippled on the carpet. There was water splashed all over the blankets and the floor.  It appeared to have barely survived a mini tsunami.  I was astounded.  My neighbor was right behind me with his duct tape, wood, shop vac and a broom.  We were furiously cleaning when the phone rang.


"It's Cheech." I whispered shaking the phone at him.

"Oh no." he whispered back.

"What do we do?"  my throat was dry. I was going to get grounded.

"Want me to tell him?"

"noooo no. I gotta do it."

So I spilled the whole story.  There was silence.

"Wait til I get there." he said flatly.

My neighbor and I giggled and finished up. It just kept getting funnier. He was really busting my hump pretty hard about being grounded.  My husband pulled up. My neighbor stood strong...running away in the night and standing on his deck with a drink in his hand while doing what I do best: Giggling and Pointing. The kids were waiting by the scene of the crime.  We all had schmutzes of s'mores somewhere on our guilty faces.

"These things happen. I understand" he said authoritatively. "I want the truth. Who did it."
We all pointed at Ben. I snorted.
"Are you NUTS?" he shouted. "SHE held the stupid sling shot and took AIM! Ohhhh NO! I am NOT goin down for this alone!" he wailed wagging his trigger finger in his mother's direction.  He turned on his heel and went to bed.

Cheech stared at me. "You?"
I toed the rug. "Yeah. Me."

"YEAH! HER!" Ben hollered from behind a closed door. I could hear him scowling.

I snorted again.
We pulled the window and replaced the glass. All better.

My neighbors bought some more water balloons.

Round two will be better. We'll make Cheech be the slingshot man.

Have a great day!  Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you stopped by.