Augh! It was truly that....Moan-day. It began with sleeping late and being awakened by the sound of my lil Pig Winston wretching. The start of my week began with a barf in bed. Thanks Wee man. Then as I swung him around and headed for the bathroom, we had a little more activity that met my pajamas in a heated rush. I hit the shower near tears. It's not even 6am.
I head off to work. High HOOOOOOO! Although I must staff with the new computer system, I am optimistic. It is a learning experience. I have SOME exposure so really, How bad can it be?
Yeah, I've learned not to tempt fate with such silly questions. It was like that day after being stuck in a weeks worth of torrential rain in Maine that we were to have horrible weather....I asked "Is that all you've got?" and then the hail came...and the winds...and the lightening...sorry. Well, I had the technological equivalent to that: my system wouldn't work. It took me an hour to even get it working. AUGH!
But I managed and my staff carried me through my day...Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without you. Then I got the phone call that one of my gals wouldn't be in today. She was my only night shift girl. I began to make phone calls to rescue my pharmacist because I can't stay, I have horseback riding lessons and meetings...
I got it fixed and headed home; to find the message that lessons have been canceled and rescheduled. I call for reservations for a third time to a place I am visiting soon and yell at them . They will call me back (again) I yell some more. It makes me feel better. But I still hang up the phone with an angry "AUGHHHHH!"
The battery dies in my little tiny music thingie and now I am working out in silence. THAT'S no fun. So I quit early and eat some mulit-grain chips and salsa. I figure I broke even and today? That's one *ell of a milemarker. The kids get home and forget to walk the dog who piddles on my carpet and burps a lot threatening another tummy tidal wave. My son announces he forgot his homework and we zoom back to school to fetch it. On the way home he realizes he forgot his lunchbox and MORE homework. I pull a Starsky and Hutch maneuver in the middle of the road while smacking the steering wheel, grinding my molars into pulp and hissing something rhyming with "Ton of Witch!" I of COURSE meet every teacher my children have ever had and they all want to visit. I have angry, sweaty raccoon eyes and I am nearly out of breath. I have a smile so tight that my lips are completely smooth and yet there are no teeth showing. They scurry away. Wise. Very wise.
We get to the car, go home and I try not to scream at every child rushing toward our driveway that the my children will have no friends today. NONE!
But I stop, I look at them; trying so hard to get their work done, pack their lunches, and eat snack quickly silently...I shrug and sit down. I open their books and we begin. We work non stop until 5:30p. I kiss them on the head and tell them to go blow the stink off. I make dinner. There is the trickle of laughter as the entire neighborhood runs around in my back yard.
I miss the meeting, but get the information I needed. My kids picked some flowers for me "cause it looked like I had a hard day." I laugh at myself. The kids picked out my favorite story and I went to bed while they read it to me. Then they kissed me goodnight and said those famous words in my house "Better days Mommy. You'll get there." It is 9P...I think I will stay here.
I love Mondays.
Whew! I hope yours went a little more smoothly. Come and visit again sometime.